Updated: 28 October 2023
Location: Peasecroft, Buntingford
Developer: Latimer by Clarion Housing Group, with Pollard Thomas Edwards
Number of units:
5 terrace houses and 2 bungalows
Aim(s) of Project: Future Homes Standard
Construction method: Masonry - full fill cavity
Energy Compliance method: SAP 10.2
Overheating compliance method: Houses - simplified method / Bungalows - dynamic modelling
Construction start: March 2023
Construction finish: January 2024
This project was set up with the aim to investigate the implications of building to the predicted future homes standard (notionally a 75% reduction in Part L 2013).
The project is set up to review the buildability, costs and impacts to residents through structured monitoring and POE. A decision was made to review two approaches to reach the FHS – one being a technology led approach with ASHPs with mechanical extract ventilation, and one with a focus on improving the fabric (thermal performance), with mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) combined with simpler direct electric heating.
Mark Williams - Clarion Housing Group
Sarah Sedgwick - Clarion Housing Group
200mm full filled cavity
Airtightness paint membrane applied to blockwork
The construction of the homes is currently in progress.
This report will be updated accordingly.
Post Occupancy Evaluation will occur in the first year after residents move in. This monitoring process will be carried out on our behalf by PTE Architects using sensors and interviews.