Krista Evans, Head of Place and Nature • 19 March 2025
The Biodiversity Net Gain Implementation Board met on the 13th February 2025.
This note covers the agreed focus areas, workstreams for the next quarter and where input and wider support on these activities is welcomed. There was also a discussion on how Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) fits with other evolving nature recovery policy areas, summarised below.
Focus areas for the next quarter
How BNG interacts with other National Planning Policies: Examples are requested of where compatibility issues have been experienced with other national nature policies and BNG.
Communications strategy: Develop a comms plan to reach all those involved in the BNG process to help disseminate the existing and emerging information and guidance to support the implementation of BNG.
Set up a working group focusing on the offsite market. The purpose and aims of this group are to be developed under a Terms of Reference and agreed upon in the initial meetings. Note this group is fully subscribed.
Set up a working group focusing on small sites. This will focus on collecting case studies of where challenges are faced and also where BNG has worked well, and knowledge can be shared within the SME community to support others. This will be developed further under a Terms of Reference in the initial meetings. Please get in touch if you are an SME, have case studies to share, and would like to be a part of this group.
Consistency in baseline surveys. This set of actions has been progressing since the first BNG implementation board meeting. The purpose is to determine where additional guidance and support can be provided in the baseline assessment. This work is feeding onto CIEEM’s training programme and the Planning Advisory Service (PAS) work in supporting of Local Authorities.
Set up a working group focusing on where tech and AI can support the BNG policy. The purpose and aims of this group are to be developed under a Terms of Reference and agreed in the initial meetings.
If you would like to help with these workstreams or have case studies to share with the hub, please contact Krista.
How BNG fits with other evolving nature recovery policies
During the meeting discussions were held on Defra’s ongoing nature recovery workstreams and how BNG fits within these. The points below summarise the key takeaways from the update provided.
Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS)
Two have been published, and 46 are to go this year (although there is no legal deadline). About a dozen are at the public consultation stage.
LNRS’ are the opportunity map for BNG, they provide information on where to target effort that is evidence-based, locally led and community driven. They have BNG at their core through the strategic significance uplift.
The PPG was published on GOV.UK on 19 February to explain how they can be used by LPAs.
It is recognised that there are sequencing challenges between the LNRS, BNG and Local Plans. There will be an interim period in the alignment because it will take some time for Local Plans to become aligned with the LNRS. Both Local Plans and LNRSs will be regularly updated, allowing for increasing alignment.
Development and Nature Working Paper
The intention of the working paper is for it to interact with BNG, not move away from it.
The proposals are intended to be very targeted and specific, dealing with Nutrient Neutrality first and then moving on to other identified areas of concern.
Land Use Framework
The Land Use Framework is drawing on the same data as provided to LNRS responsible authorities through the LNRS data portal. However, the Land Use Framework remains data only, and the LNRS builds on the data with wider engagement.
The next meeting is scheduled on 23rd April 2025.
Background information on the BNG Implementation board can be found